Pollen and its benefits

Pollen and its benefits

The pollen (pollen) (bread bees) are the most important substance produced by bees, where collected by bees from flowers during his wandering among them for the collection of nectar which then Akhaltha Barahik and transmitted to the cell to feed the queen and worker bees where fed by the Queen to supply the glands that secrete the royal food and hormones and enzymes and yeasts feed on them, and worker bees in order to complete their life is a source of protein so-called bee bread (bee bread) and different colors for different kinds of source and plant them.

And is the pollen collected by bees the main source of the most important components of the food and treatment as out of the stomachs of bees have been shown recently that the pills the vaccine itself retains some properties of the food and therapeutic characteristic was was started in the use of pollen collected by bees as food center for the vitamins and amino acids and mineral salts and then used as a treatment for many diseases.

And now on display in pharmacies European and Asian and U.S. for therapeutic purposes and food, where he was from the results of analyzes of the laboratory if possible the definition of more than (50 active ingredient) in the pollen Lhl field is very broad in impact on many diseases and imbalances in the organs of the human body.

And pollen-rich compounds veto phyto chemicals (cry of the times) and which exceed in importance and influence of each of the vitamins and minerals as they
(Raise the efficiency of the immune system antioxidant anti-venom and anti-anti-tumor ...)
And examples of materials veto pills Alqah
(Tannins carotene chlorophyll chlorophyll derivatives ...)

And each containing 100 grams of pollen on the following vitamins

Vitamins ability milliseconds grams
(600 b 11 670 b 2 900 b 62 700 b 510 000 b 3)

(Vitamin c vitamin e vitamin e vitamin biotin h)

The benefits of pollen:

Improve the ability to have children and the elimination of stress

Strengthen the liver and reservations toxins and protect the liver from fibrosis and damage to contain the
(Glutamic acid)

Nervous tension and prevent prostate disease

Improve the ability to have children and the elimination of stress and the removal of all symptoms during the period of the menstrual cycle

Strengthen children's bodies and young people and adults and provide them with vitamins and minerals and enzymes important

Treatment of hemorrhoids and the weakness of the veins and capillaries to contain the
(Routine Beofflavinodat)

Prevent the deposition of liver fat and cholesterol removal and disposal of excess fat on the body to contain

Get rid of fat deposits and accumulated in the liver cells to contain the
(Anossitol niacin folic acid)

Rebuild and strengthen the immune system to contain the
(Cinnamic acid, flavonoid)

For a thin smooth skin for women

Treatment of indigestion, emaciation and thin

Treat diseases of aging and anemia and increase the body's resistance to colds and flu People

Help to open the appetite and regulate the body's conversion of food

Treatment of hemorrhoids and inflammation is beneficial to the health of fetuses and Alencaoualhawwaml

Prevention of the impact of radiation on the body and blood of that used in the treatment of electricity and argon welders, technicians and radiology staff on computers where they are issued by the downsample Atharalahah devices to their bodies so as not unbeatable cancer cells to infection with blood or infertility

Useful for patients who are treated with medication as the radioactive pollen reduced the effects of radiation on blood and body

Useful for patients exposed to X-ray revealed a regular

Wound healing and skin regeneration burning

Treatment of inflammatory bowel minutes and increase red blood cells and increase the percentage of hemoglobin

Protect children's bodies from the impact of urine

Help tighten the skin and relaxing the body and prevent the dead skin cells from the precipitation

Used recently for the treatment of mental and nervous collapse and turbulence

Treatment of bleeding conjunctivitis

Prevent internal bleeding, which affects people with hypertension and diabetes

Strengthens the stomach and protect it from moisture and strengthens the intestines

Very useful for cases of infertility in women

Treatment of iron deficiency diseases that cause fatigue, headaches, cracked nails, increased susceptibility to infection, especially cold

Add pollen to the honey for the treatment of respiratory diseases

Add the honey to pollen for the treatment of hepatitis viruses

Pituitary gland

Pituitary gland ..
Is a small gland size, the size of a pea, with a diameter of one centimeter, and weighs half a gram, and there in a hole, especially in the bottom of the base of the brain, called the Turkish saddle Sella Turcica because the shape resembles the Turkish saddle horse

It consists of two lobes differ from each other in terms of structure and function, and communicate with the hypothalamus Hypothalamus by together Pituitary Pituitary Stalk, and the associated lobes with each other by the middle lobe, known as the isthmus Isthmus, which is a stretch tight like a frontal lobe origin and structure and function.

And divided by the pituitary gland to:

1 - the frontal lobe Anterior Pituitary adenoma
2 - posterior lobe nerve Posterior Pituitary
3 - Isthmus

Microscopic structure of the parts of the pituitary gland

1 - posterior lobe, the nervous

It is a store for some hormone hormones secreted by the hypothalamus, it does not produce a self-hormones, but stores hormones secreted by the hypothalamus and then when needed.

And composed mainly of nerve fibers is located Nkhaaanah their bodies in the nucleus of the hypothalamus, and the spread between these nerve fibers pituitary cells do not know the exact function

Is secreted lobe hormones are:
A * - antidiuretic hormone to urinate ADH and also called vasopressin Vasopressine: increases of this hormone the permeability of renal tubules of the water, Verechh from inside the pipe to the interstitial fluid of high tension, which works on the high concentration of the urine in pipes and low quantity, and therefore less diuresis
B * - Tosin Oxyacetylene hormone Oxytocin has Tathren are:
A B - secretion of milk from the breast to the outside, but has no impact on the composition
B-2 - Alert smooth muscle, especially the uterus raises Tqlsatha, benefiting in the process of birth Alasirag

2 - the frontal lobe, glandular

Consists mainly of cells, a few fibers, and cells of three types:

- Loathe to color cells Chromophobes, with a pale cytoplasmic unfavorable
- Love the color cells of acidic Chromphils Eosinophils
- Cells of the love for the color base Chromphils Basophils

Cells for the color of love are two types, namely:

- Alpha, alpha cells secrete the hormones are:
Growth hormone GH, and Prolactin milk hormone

- Beta, beta cells secrete a group of hormones which are:
Hormone to follicle Exhorter F.S.H
Thyroid hormone Exhorter T.S.H
Hormone Almhloten L.H
Hormone prompter of melanin, the skin color of the MSH
Hormone Exhorter adrenal cortex to ACTH

3 - East lobe (Isthmus)

Containing colloidal vesicles resemble those found in the thyroid gland, do not know his job thoroughly

Anatomical location and relations:

Pituitary gland is located in the Turkish saddle hole at the base of the skull, and to determine its place is a forum horizontal line from front to back starting from the base of the nose and walking towards the back, and the vertical line downward from the middle vertex

Separates the cavernous sinus from the pituitary of all aspects of dura mater membrane Duramatter and the bottom of the saddle are bone Turkish Corynebacterium Spheniod which include air pocket. In theory, the pituitary gland is surrounded by arachnoid membrane, but in practice this membrane is integrated with the pia mater membrane Pia Matter on the surface of the pituitary and Soiktha about the status of the mother's interview without epidural unite with them.

The top point of no visual decussation Optic Chiasma, and this in the case of swelling of the pituitary occur pressure on the nerves Alabesria leads to blindness by the demise of the tumor removed

Demtem fine

Redness eyes

Redness Enein

Objective in today's oils .. And the first oil Ankelm about is oil, jasmine ..

Where it is ....
Jasmine oil is extracted from Jasmine Oil plant jasmine flowers. The oil has a strong aromatic jasmine smell beautiful, and is characterized as:

• useful for the skin: Jasmine oil is ideal for softer skin and removing wrinkles.

• address the scars: jasmine oil is used in the treatment of skin from the effects of acne and boils, and is also used in the treatment of fatty contouring.

• calming and anti-depressants: working aromatic odor characteristic of jasmine oil to raise the morale and resistance to depression, which makes a man feel happy, and romantic. Jasmine oil also helps calm the body, mind and get rid of tension and stress and anger.

• exciting sexual desire: Jasmine oil is characterized by its ability to provoke and increase sexual desire due to the distinctive properties of smell. The Indians knew of the interest, since ancient times, and jasmine oil used in perfume and the perfume of the bride, and also sprayed in the room the couple for their wedding night, and used it to treat the problems of premature ejaculation, frigidity, sterility, and others.

• organizer of the monthly cycle: jasmine oil helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and alleviate the pain of menstrual cycle, and the accompanying fatigue, and distress, and dizziness. Jasmine oil also helps to reduce the risk of tumors of the uterus after menopause by regulating the secretion of the hormone estrogen.

• useful in Breastfeeding:

Jasmine oil is beneficial to the mother by breastfeeding; because it helps to increase milk production, which may also contribute to reducing the risk of breast tumors.

• a good disinfectant: jasmine oil has antiseptic as well, because it contains benzoic acid (Benzoic Acid) and composite Alpenzaladhead (Benzaldehyde), and benzyl benzoate (Benzyl Benzoate), a component which is characterized by their effectiveness in killing bacteria and microbes.

• Anti-cramps: jasmine oil effective in the treatment of spasms and contractions. Jasmine oil helps to feel comfortable and relaxed in the case of cough accompanied by colic, as well as in cases of cramps, congestion, asthma, cholera, and it is also effective in alleviating the pain and spasms and contractions of the intestine.

When abortion occurs?

When abortion occurs?

Ends about 15 to 20 percent of all pregnancies to abortion, and occurs most of them in the first 13 weeks, or the first trimester of pregnancy, with a great opportunity also for abortion in the first eight weeks.

2. Does the age on the rate of abortion?

The abortion rate for women in their twenties and early thirties of age 15%, while increasing the proportion of abortions by one of four after the age of 35, then rise to one of three at the age of forty.

3. What are the causes of abortion?
Reasons for abortion vary from woman to another, based on several factors, and often can not prevent abortion, but fetal loss does not mean there is a health problem in the mother, or she can not have later. Ninety percent of women who are going through a miscarriage succeed in maintaining a healthy pregnancy later.
The medical reasons for abortion are:
* The existence of genetic defects Bakarmusumaat.
* Antibodies to lipid phosphate.
* Uterine anatomical defects include congenital defects (uterine and cervical barrier with a centuries) and also acquired defects (fibroids under the uterine lining as well as intrauterine adhesions).
* Do not tighten or weakness of the cervix.
* Ovarian cysts.
* Increased secretion of the hormone to U Tin.
* The lack of secretion of the hormone progesterone during the second half of the menstrual cycle.
* Microbial infection.
* Antibodies to the thyroid gland.
* Lack of antibody genes husband.

* Increased participation in the genes on the human white blood cells (hla

And different factors that cause abortion during pregnancy than those responsible for abortion during the first three months. Some cases, such as uterine anatomical defects, and not to tighten the neck of the uterus, and microbial infection are known causes of
Abortion during the sixth month of pregnancy.

4. What are the symptoms of abortion?
Can interfere symptoms and signs associated with abortion, which indicate the presence of full or partial abortion, and remain some of the membranes in the uterus. Must be the doctor to clean all remnants of the uterus in a process called "Alchortaj"
1. Bleeding vaginal secretions preceded by a brown color.
2. Spasms in the pelvic area.
3. Out blood clots or a thin membrane.
4. Decline in symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea, change in shape of the chest.
5. Pain in the lower back or abdomen.

5. Warning symptoms of abortion?
6. The presence of spots of blood accompanied by a sense of pain.
7. Severe bleeding with abdominal pain, cramps and strong.
8. Means of exit from the vagina without pain or bleeding.
9. Out blood clots and tissue vitality of the vagina.

6. What will tell you a doctor?
The doctor request you to describe the situation you went through, both a sense of sorrow, or bleeding, or cramps. If you take out a bloody blocks, a national keep in a clean bowl or bag Blacetka doctor may be required to be tested.

7. How the doctor confirms the occurrence of abortion?
The doctor will perform a full scan of the basin, to determine the size of the uterus, and the widening of the cervix. The test performs Turasaund to hear the heartbeat of the fetus, and to make sure there are no residues in the case of exit of the initial configuration of the fetus. The doctor will perform a blood test to make sure the rate of hormones in your body.

8. Is it possible to prevent abortion?
Can not stop abortion, which began already in the stages of abortion, but the lady can reduce the risk of exposure to pre-empt, by attention to herself and the fetus, must stop a pregnant once and for all smoking, alcohol, drugs, medicines and property of every kind, whether local or through mouth, and to consult with your doctor as soon as evidence of pregnancy for any drug treatment you use, where researchers found that drugs that deal with pimples and acne may cause birth defects, as well as dyes hair, and topical ointments for the treatment of cold, and pain in the joints and back, and those that broadcast the heat in the body, as advised to stay away from drugs sedatives and analgesics ordinary, such as aspirin, etc. that may cause problems, birth defects, you should start Ms. taking dietary supplements of vitamins, especially the mother pregnant before 3 months of attempts at pregnancy, and continue to be addressed throughout pregnancy, especially those containing acid folate, and compliance with special cradle dose.
Prevent pregnant strictly prohibited from lifting heavy objects, or carry them to whatever the short-distance, and prevented from bathing with hot water too, or sit in the hot pools of water such as a Jacuzzi. And advise women who suffer from weakness to spend the first three months of pregnancy in complete comfort and lie down if possible. Also advises women not to drink tea with cinnamon and is known as a cause of abortion, and would prefer to get rid of pets, especially cats that causes the condition causing abortion.

To enjoy the validity of a permanent

To enjoy the validity of a permanent

A study conducted by researchers that the Taiwanese shopping help

Improve health and prolong human life.

The study included 1850 men and women in Taiwan over

The age of 65 years and published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health,

People who shopped regularly lived longer than

People who shopped once a week or less.

And a British researcher said that the study, including a logical movement that includes shopping

Physical and social interaction and mental activity.

The researchers agreed that the practice of shopping is in good health in

Initially, but they saw that this activity also contributes to improved health.

The researchers, led by Yu Hong Zhang of the Institute of Health Sciences

Population in Taiwan, said that shopping is often a fun and helps to

Improve the psychological well. The activity of shopping is easy and does not require

Stimulus to other activities such as sports such as

Afarahn Ladies Vontn more Tsouka and woe to the men of evil

A new treatment for insomnia

A new treatment for insomnia

The restlessness of the common problems faced by many people in most countries of the world, and cause many health problems, such as a sense of loss of energy, nervousness and excessive depression, also reduces a person's ability to learn new things and weakens the focus and attention to him.

After growing disgruntled because of the inability to sleep at night in the days of vortices official as well as on holidays, finally reached the Food and Drug Administration "FDA" to issue a product pharmacist a new treatment for insomnia and sleep disorders, and thus be the first drug is the Food and Drug Administration to ratify it for the treatment of those case specifically.

New drug is an effective treatment for the problems and sleep disorders, especially associated with waking up from sleep in the middle of the night and the inability to continue to sleep again, and know the new drug as "Intermezzo" and contains the active ingredient "zolpidem tartrate", is used in the form of tablets placed under the tongue.

Should the patient comply with a number of medical reserves, where you must use the property only if the number of hours they spend eternity in which to sleep at least 4 hours, and must warn addressed in the case dealt with alcohol or when taking any assistant last to sleep, with a maximum dose of the drug in one night about 3.5 mg for men, while 1.75 mg for women in the same period, and because of the difference between the rates of metabolism.

Been confirmed the effectiveness and safety of new drug through two clinical trials on more than 370 patients suffering from insomnia, and the results showed a significant improvement in patients, as I said the time period between waking from sleep in the middle of the night and they continue to sleep again, and improved sleep problems significantly .

Note that of the most prominent side effects caused by this drug is the awakening of the individual from sleep, which is the degree of incomplete awareness of and even the exercise of many of the activities and acts normal without feeling doing it or remember, and may also occur estate headaches, nausea and fatigue.

treatment of constipation

And treatment of constipation
Constipation and treatment of food
Objective for the day is a very important issue and many of us ignore or pays any attention, but indifference to him and ignored can lead to disease painful and harmful, such as hemorrhoids and possibly up to the point can not be controlled and treated only by surgery.
The beginning of what is constipation?
Constipation is a disorder that is exposed to the digestive system, which is a passage of hard stool or a lack in the number of times bowel movements (less than 3 times per week) and can be described as directing difficult and frequent stool as the stool is hard and dry and thick, accompanied by some pain and sometimes down the blood.
What is the cause of constipation?
The immediate cause of constipation is the lack of a sufficient proportion of water in the stool. This usually occurs because the food is not a sufficient elements to save water in the intestinal tract (Kalolaav) or because the stool stays for a long time inside the rectum (the last part of the large intestine), allowed the intestines absorb most of the water inside the waste (stool) Vintage curse of faeces dry hard.
To catch the types and causes of many of them sick, including by ingestion of drugs,
But the most common type in our communities is caused by wrong food habits, and this is what we'll talk about now ...
Causes of Constipation:
Of the most important causes of constipation unhealthy dietary habits prevalent in our societies, including:
First, relying on a particular type of food without the other.
Second, the lack of fluid intake and lack of public drinking water, especially where the amount of water that must be a normal person drink per day from 6 to 8 cups a day.
Third, eat more foods.
Fourth, the lack of motor activity.
Fifth: Do not eat food that contains fiber, which facilitates the stool and walk out the intestines.
Where are the fibers??
No dietary fiber in foods of plant origin only, such as:
1. Whole grains: the grains that contain brown bread crusts, corn and oats.
2. Vegetables are all provided, however, tend not to like it peels tomatoes and cucumbers.
3. Fruits of all kinds is also a condition that does not tend cat dander, such as apples, figs and apricots.
It is worth mentioning that we take Small amounts of flaxseed, which contains large amounts of fiber and help get rid of constipation effectively, but taking into account the commitment to small amounts of which are estimated with a spoon and a small one only a day, and eaten ground day by day so as not to lose its nutritive elements.
It is the foods that relieve constipation also milk as it contains the types of bacteria that help to address the constipation.
And finally to get rid of constipation:
1. The multiplication of vegetables and fruits without peels disarmament.
2. Drinking too much water and too much fluid.
3. Add whole grains to our diet.
4. Continuous movement or exercise consistently.
5. Diversity in the food and not to depend on the type and particular one.

6. Add milk to the diet daily.

Pollen and its benefits

Posted by Anonymous | 02:58

Pollen and its benefits

The pollen (pollen) (bread bees) are the most important substance produced by bees, where collected by bees from flowers during his wandering among them for the collection of nectar which then Akhaltha Barahik and transmitted to the cell to feed the queen and worker bees where fed by the Queen to supply the glands that secrete the royal food and hormones and enzymes and yeasts feed on them, and worker bees in order to complete their life is a source of protein so-called bee bread (bee bread) and different colors for different kinds of source and plant them.

And is the pollen collected by bees the main source of the most important components of the food and treatment as out of the stomachs of bees have been shown recently that the pills the vaccine itself retains some properties of the food and therapeutic characteristic was was started in the use of pollen collected by bees as food center for the vitamins and amino acids and mineral salts and then used as a treatment for many diseases.

And now on display in pharmacies European and Asian and U.S. for therapeutic purposes and food, where he was from the results of analyzes of the laboratory if possible the definition of more than (50 active ingredient) in the pollen Lhl field is very broad in impact on many diseases and imbalances in the organs of the human body.

And pollen-rich compounds veto phyto chemicals (cry of the times) and which exceed in importance and influence of each of the vitamins and minerals as they
(Raise the efficiency of the immune system antioxidant anti-venom and anti-anti-tumor ...)
And examples of materials veto pills Alqah
(Tannins carotene chlorophyll chlorophyll derivatives ...)

And each containing 100 grams of pollen on the following vitamins

Vitamins ability milliseconds grams
(600 b 11 670 b 2 900 b 62 700 b 510 000 b 3)

(Vitamin c vitamin e vitamin e vitamin biotin h)

The benefits of pollen:

Improve the ability to have children and the elimination of stress

Strengthen the liver and reservations toxins and protect the liver from fibrosis and damage to contain the
(Glutamic acid)

Nervous tension and prevent prostate disease

Improve the ability to have children and the elimination of stress and the removal of all symptoms during the period of the menstrual cycle

Strengthen children's bodies and young people and adults and provide them with vitamins and minerals and enzymes important

Treatment of hemorrhoids and the weakness of the veins and capillaries to contain the
(Routine Beofflavinodat)

Prevent the deposition of liver fat and cholesterol removal and disposal of excess fat on the body to contain

Get rid of fat deposits and accumulated in the liver cells to contain the
(Anossitol niacin folic acid)

Rebuild and strengthen the immune system to contain the
(Cinnamic acid, flavonoid)

For a thin smooth skin for women

Treatment of indigestion, emaciation and thin

Treat diseases of aging and anemia and increase the body's resistance to colds and flu People

Help to open the appetite and regulate the body's conversion of food

Treatment of hemorrhoids and inflammation is beneficial to the health of fetuses and Alencaoualhawwaml

Prevention of the impact of radiation on the body and blood of that used in the treatment of electricity and argon welders, technicians and radiology staff on computers where they are issued by the downsample Atharalahah devices to their bodies so as not unbeatable cancer cells to infection with blood or infertility

Useful for patients who are treated with medication as the radioactive pollen reduced the effects of radiation on blood and body

Useful for patients exposed to X-ray revealed a regular

Wound healing and skin regeneration burning

Treatment of inflammatory bowel minutes and increase red blood cells and increase the percentage of hemoglobin

Protect children's bodies from the impact of urine

Help tighten the skin and relaxing the body and prevent the dead skin cells from the precipitation

Used recently for the treatment of mental and nervous collapse and turbulence

Treatment of bleeding conjunctivitis

Prevent internal bleeding, which affects people with hypertension and diabetes

Strengthens the stomach and protect it from moisture and strengthens the intestines

Very useful for cases of infertility in women

Treatment of iron deficiency diseases that cause fatigue, headaches, cracked nails, increased susceptibility to infection, especially cold

Add pollen to the honey for the treatment of respiratory diseases

Add the honey to pollen for the treatment of hepatitis viruses

Pituitary gland

Posted by Anonymous | 02:56

Pituitary gland ..
Is a small gland size, the size of a pea, with a diameter of one centimeter, and weighs half a gram, and there in a hole, especially in the bottom of the base of the brain, called the Turkish saddle Sella Turcica because the shape resembles the Turkish saddle horse

It consists of two lobes differ from each other in terms of structure and function, and communicate with the hypothalamus Hypothalamus by together Pituitary Pituitary Stalk, and the associated lobes with each other by the middle lobe, known as the isthmus Isthmus, which is a stretch tight like a frontal lobe origin and structure and function.

And divided by the pituitary gland to:

1 - the frontal lobe Anterior Pituitary adenoma
2 - posterior lobe nerve Posterior Pituitary
3 - Isthmus

Microscopic structure of the parts of the pituitary gland

1 - posterior lobe, the nervous

It is a store for some hormone hormones secreted by the hypothalamus, it does not produce a self-hormones, but stores hormones secreted by the hypothalamus and then when needed.

And composed mainly of nerve fibers is located Nkhaaanah their bodies in the nucleus of the hypothalamus, and the spread between these nerve fibers pituitary cells do not know the exact function

Is secreted lobe hormones are:
A * - antidiuretic hormone to urinate ADH and also called vasopressin Vasopressine: increases of this hormone the permeability of renal tubules of the water, Verechh from inside the pipe to the interstitial fluid of high tension, which works on the high concentration of the urine in pipes and low quantity, and therefore less diuresis
B * - Tosin Oxyacetylene hormone Oxytocin has Tathren are:
A B - secretion of milk from the breast to the outside, but has no impact on the composition
B-2 - Alert smooth muscle, especially the uterus raises Tqlsatha, benefiting in the process of birth Alasirag

2 - the frontal lobe, glandular

Consists mainly of cells, a few fibers, and cells of three types:

- Loathe to color cells Chromophobes, with a pale cytoplasmic unfavorable
- Love the color cells of acidic Chromphils Eosinophils
- Cells of the love for the color base Chromphils Basophils

Cells for the color of love are two types, namely:

- Alpha, alpha cells secrete the hormones are:
Growth hormone GH, and Prolactin milk hormone

- Beta, beta cells secrete a group of hormones which are:
Hormone to follicle Exhorter F.S.H
Thyroid hormone Exhorter T.S.H
Hormone Almhloten L.H
Hormone prompter of melanin, the skin color of the MSH
Hormone Exhorter adrenal cortex to ACTH

3 - East lobe (Isthmus)

Containing colloidal vesicles resemble those found in the thyroid gland, do not know his job thoroughly

Anatomical location and relations:

Pituitary gland is located in the Turkish saddle hole at the base of the skull, and to determine its place is a forum horizontal line from front to back starting from the base of the nose and walking towards the back, and the vertical line downward from the middle vertex

Separates the cavernous sinus from the pituitary of all aspects of dura mater membrane Duramatter and the bottom of the saddle are bone Turkish Corynebacterium Spheniod which include air pocket. In theory, the pituitary gland is surrounded by arachnoid membrane, but in practice this membrane is integrated with the pia mater membrane Pia Matter on the surface of the pituitary and Soiktha about the status of the mother's interview without epidural unite with them.

The top point of no visual decussation Optic Chiasma, and this in the case of swelling of the pituitary occur pressure on the nerves Alabesria leads to blindness by the demise of the tumor removed

Demtem fine

Redness eyes

Posted by Anonymous | 02:53

Redness Enein

Objective in today's oils .. And the first oil Ankelm about is oil, jasmine ..

Where it is ....
Jasmine oil is extracted from Jasmine Oil plant jasmine flowers. The oil has a strong aromatic jasmine smell beautiful, and is characterized as:

• useful for the skin: Jasmine oil is ideal for softer skin and removing wrinkles.

• address the scars: jasmine oil is used in the treatment of skin from the effects of acne and boils, and is also used in the treatment of fatty contouring.

• calming and anti-depressants: working aromatic odor characteristic of jasmine oil to raise the morale and resistance to depression, which makes a man feel happy, and romantic. Jasmine oil also helps calm the body, mind and get rid of tension and stress and anger.

• exciting sexual desire: Jasmine oil is characterized by its ability to provoke and increase sexual desire due to the distinctive properties of smell. The Indians knew of the interest, since ancient times, and jasmine oil used in perfume and the perfume of the bride, and also sprayed in the room the couple for their wedding night, and used it to treat the problems of premature ejaculation, frigidity, sterility, and others.

• organizer of the monthly cycle: jasmine oil helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and alleviate the pain of menstrual cycle, and the accompanying fatigue, and distress, and dizziness. Jasmine oil also helps to reduce the risk of tumors of the uterus after menopause by regulating the secretion of the hormone estrogen.

• useful in Breastfeeding:

Jasmine oil is beneficial to the mother by breastfeeding; because it helps to increase milk production, which may also contribute to reducing the risk of breast tumors.

• a good disinfectant: jasmine oil has antiseptic as well, because it contains benzoic acid (Benzoic Acid) and composite Alpenzaladhead (Benzaldehyde), and benzyl benzoate (Benzyl Benzoate), a component which is characterized by their effectiveness in killing bacteria and microbes.

• Anti-cramps: jasmine oil effective in the treatment of spasms and contractions. Jasmine oil helps to feel comfortable and relaxed in the case of cough accompanied by colic, as well as in cases of cramps, congestion, asthma, cholera, and it is also effective in alleviating the pain and spasms and contractions of the intestine.

When abortion occurs?

Posted by Anonymous | 02:19

When abortion occurs?

Ends about 15 to 20 percent of all pregnancies to abortion, and occurs most of them in the first 13 weeks, or the first trimester of pregnancy, with a great opportunity also for abortion in the first eight weeks.

2. Does the age on the rate of abortion?

The abortion rate for women in their twenties and early thirties of age 15%, while increasing the proportion of abortions by one of four after the age of 35, then rise to one of three at the age of forty.

3. What are the causes of abortion?
Reasons for abortion vary from woman to another, based on several factors, and often can not prevent abortion, but fetal loss does not mean there is a health problem in the mother, or she can not have later. Ninety percent of women who are going through a miscarriage succeed in maintaining a healthy pregnancy later.
The medical reasons for abortion are:
* The existence of genetic defects Bakarmusumaat.
* Antibodies to lipid phosphate.
* Uterine anatomical defects include congenital defects (uterine and cervical barrier with a centuries) and also acquired defects (fibroids under the uterine lining as well as intrauterine adhesions).
* Do not tighten or weakness of the cervix.
* Ovarian cysts.
* Increased secretion of the hormone to U Tin.
* The lack of secretion of the hormone progesterone during the second half of the menstrual cycle.
* Microbial infection.
* Antibodies to the thyroid gland.
* Lack of antibody genes husband.

* Increased participation in the genes on the human white blood cells (hla

And different factors that cause abortion during pregnancy than those responsible for abortion during the first three months. Some cases, such as uterine anatomical defects, and not to tighten the neck of the uterus, and microbial infection are known causes of
Abortion during the sixth month of pregnancy.

4. What are the symptoms of abortion?
Can interfere symptoms and signs associated with abortion, which indicate the presence of full or partial abortion, and remain some of the membranes in the uterus. Must be the doctor to clean all remnants of the uterus in a process called "Alchortaj"
1. Bleeding vaginal secretions preceded by a brown color.
2. Spasms in the pelvic area.
3. Out blood clots or a thin membrane.
4. Decline in symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea, change in shape of the chest.
5. Pain in the lower back or abdomen.

5. Warning symptoms of abortion?
6. The presence of spots of blood accompanied by a sense of pain.
7. Severe bleeding with abdominal pain, cramps and strong.
8. Means of exit from the vagina without pain or bleeding.
9. Out blood clots and tissue vitality of the vagina.

6. What will tell you a doctor?
The doctor request you to describe the situation you went through, both a sense of sorrow, or bleeding, or cramps. If you take out a bloody blocks, a national keep in a clean bowl or bag Blacetka doctor may be required to be tested.

7. How the doctor confirms the occurrence of abortion?
The doctor will perform a full scan of the basin, to determine the size of the uterus, and the widening of the cervix. The test performs Turasaund to hear the heartbeat of the fetus, and to make sure there are no residues in the case of exit of the initial configuration of the fetus. The doctor will perform a blood test to make sure the rate of hormones in your body.

8. Is it possible to prevent abortion?
Can not stop abortion, which began already in the stages of abortion, but the lady can reduce the risk of exposure to pre-empt, by attention to herself and the fetus, must stop a pregnant once and for all smoking, alcohol, drugs, medicines and property of every kind, whether local or through mouth, and to consult with your doctor as soon as evidence of pregnancy for any drug treatment you use, where researchers found that drugs that deal with pimples and acne may cause birth defects, as well as dyes hair, and topical ointments for the treatment of cold, and pain in the joints and back, and those that broadcast the heat in the body, as advised to stay away from drugs sedatives and analgesics ordinary, such as aspirin, etc. that may cause problems, birth defects, you should start Ms. taking dietary supplements of vitamins, especially the mother pregnant before 3 months of attempts at pregnancy, and continue to be addressed throughout pregnancy, especially those containing acid folate, and compliance with special cradle dose.
Prevent pregnant strictly prohibited from lifting heavy objects, or carry them to whatever the short-distance, and prevented from bathing with hot water too, or sit in the hot pools of water such as a Jacuzzi. And advise women who suffer from weakness to spend the first three months of pregnancy in complete comfort and lie down if possible. Also advises women not to drink tea with cinnamon and is known as a cause of abortion, and would prefer to get rid of pets, especially cats that causes the condition causing abortion.

To enjoy the validity of a permanent

Posted by Anonymous | 02:17

To enjoy the validity of a permanent

A study conducted by researchers that the Taiwanese shopping help

Improve health and prolong human life.

The study included 1850 men and women in Taiwan over

The age of 65 years and published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health,

People who shopped regularly lived longer than

People who shopped once a week or less.

And a British researcher said that the study, including a logical movement that includes shopping

Physical and social interaction and mental activity.

The researchers agreed that the practice of shopping is in good health in

Initially, but they saw that this activity also contributes to improved health.

The researchers, led by Yu Hong Zhang of the Institute of Health Sciences

Population in Taiwan, said that shopping is often a fun and helps to

Improve the psychological well. The activity of shopping is easy and does not require

Stimulus to other activities such as sports such as

Afarahn Ladies Vontn more Tsouka and woe to the men of evil

A new treatment for insomnia

Posted by Anonymous | 02:17

A new treatment for insomnia

The restlessness of the common problems faced by many people in most countries of the world, and cause many health problems, such as a sense of loss of energy, nervousness and excessive depression, also reduces a person's ability to learn new things and weakens the focus and attention to him.

After growing disgruntled because of the inability to sleep at night in the days of vortices official as well as on holidays, finally reached the Food and Drug Administration "FDA" to issue a product pharmacist a new treatment for insomnia and sleep disorders, and thus be the first drug is the Food and Drug Administration to ratify it for the treatment of those case specifically.

New drug is an effective treatment for the problems and sleep disorders, especially associated with waking up from sleep in the middle of the night and the inability to continue to sleep again, and know the new drug as "Intermezzo" and contains the active ingredient "zolpidem tartrate", is used in the form of tablets placed under the tongue.

Should the patient comply with a number of medical reserves, where you must use the property only if the number of hours they spend eternity in which to sleep at least 4 hours, and must warn addressed in the case dealt with alcohol or when taking any assistant last to sleep, with a maximum dose of the drug in one night about 3.5 mg for men, while 1.75 mg for women in the same period, and because of the difference between the rates of metabolism.

Been confirmed the effectiveness and safety of new drug through two clinical trials on more than 370 patients suffering from insomnia, and the results showed a significant improvement in patients, as I said the time period between waking from sleep in the middle of the night and they continue to sleep again, and improved sleep problems significantly .

Note that of the most prominent side effects caused by this drug is the awakening of the individual from sleep, which is the degree of incomplete awareness of and even the exercise of many of the activities and acts normal without feeling doing it or remember, and may also occur estate headaches, nausea and fatigue.

treatment of constipation

Posted by Anonymous | 02:09

And treatment of constipation
Constipation and treatment of food
Objective for the day is a very important issue and many of us ignore or pays any attention, but indifference to him and ignored can lead to disease painful and harmful, such as hemorrhoids and possibly up to the point can not be controlled and treated only by surgery.
The beginning of what is constipation?
Constipation is a disorder that is exposed to the digestive system, which is a passage of hard stool or a lack in the number of times bowel movements (less than 3 times per week) and can be described as directing difficult and frequent stool as the stool is hard and dry and thick, accompanied by some pain and sometimes down the blood.
What is the cause of constipation?
The immediate cause of constipation is the lack of a sufficient proportion of water in the stool. This usually occurs because the food is not a sufficient elements to save water in the intestinal tract (Kalolaav) or because the stool stays for a long time inside the rectum (the last part of the large intestine), allowed the intestines absorb most of the water inside the waste (stool) Vintage curse of faeces dry hard.
To catch the types and causes of many of them sick, including by ingestion of drugs,
But the most common type in our communities is caused by wrong food habits, and this is what we'll talk about now ...
Causes of Constipation:
Of the most important causes of constipation unhealthy dietary habits prevalent in our societies, including:
First, relying on a particular type of food without the other.
Second, the lack of fluid intake and lack of public drinking water, especially where the amount of water that must be a normal person drink per day from 6 to 8 cups a day.
Third, eat more foods.
Fourth, the lack of motor activity.
Fifth: Do not eat food that contains fiber, which facilitates the stool and walk out the intestines.
Where are the fibers??
No dietary fiber in foods of plant origin only, such as:
1. Whole grains: the grains that contain brown bread crusts, corn and oats.
2. Vegetables are all provided, however, tend not to like it peels tomatoes and cucumbers.
3. Fruits of all kinds is also a condition that does not tend cat dander, such as apples, figs and apricots.
It is worth mentioning that we take Small amounts of flaxseed, which contains large amounts of fiber and help get rid of constipation effectively, but taking into account the commitment to small amounts of which are estimated with a spoon and a small one only a day, and eaten ground day by day so as not to lose its nutritive elements.
It is the foods that relieve constipation also milk as it contains the types of bacteria that help to address the constipation.
And finally to get rid of constipation:
1. The multiplication of vegetables and fruits without peels disarmament.
2. Drinking too much water and too much fluid.
3. Add whole grains to our diet.
4. Continuous movement or exercise consistently.
5. Diversity in the food and not to depend on the type and particular one.

6. Add milk to the diet daily.



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